Seducing the Sorcerer
Seducing the Sorcerer
Average rating4.5
3.5 stars. I loved Fenn and wanted all of the good things to happen to him. The worple horses were a fascinating creation and Squab stole the show. The book fell short for me in the romance department, however. I wasn't a huge Morgrim fan. He lied to Fenn repeatedly, threw an ill-timed hissy fit, and his heroism was limited to Has Philosophical Discussions About Political Decisions. He reminded me of a liberal Democrat who waxes rhapsodically about peace, justice and equality, but is more talk than action (no disrespect to liberal Dems, I'm one myself).
I read a few reviews that were squicked out about the light D/s sex scenes but I didn't find them problematic. I just wanted Fenn to try his moves on someone who was more worthy of his awesomeness.