Self-Publishing Success; the Word

Self-Publishing Success; the Word

2014 • 198 pages


Average rating5


Buy this! It is most definitely worth the investment.

Over the past year I have read a number of books based on self publishing (you can find them on my read-reference shelf in goodreads) and this one surpasses them all. Like the others, this is a guideline to self publishing, but unlike the others this one is a comprehensive step by step guideline. Please note that it is a guideline. An adjustable guideline. From writing to editing to other aspects before printing, to what to do when it comes to marketing promoting your book, and what to expect when promoting the sale of your book; fiction or non-fiction.

If I had read this book before I entered the self publishing arena (unfortunately this book wasn't available at the time lol), then my first two novels might have done better than the did at the time.

June 25, 2014Report this review