Cover 5


2022 • 313 pages


Average rating4


YA, dark academia, spirits, magic, the arts, tackling mental health issues and an unknown family history? I'M IN.

I was initially going to give this book 3 stars because it is good. AND GOOD IS GOOD NOT BAD. (That sounds dumb but I feel like I have to put that because I feel like people run from 3 star reviews) Initially the book didn't grab me right away. HOWEVER, you can see that it has four stars....WHY YOU ASK? Don't rush me...Okay now once it started going for me it kept going and so I definitely had to bump it up. It bumped it up for me once the magic was tied into the arts.

Another thing that bumped it up for me was November's mental health struggles. Not because I like seeing teenagers struggle (what kind of monster do you think I am? Jeezus). But it's extremely relatable. And while I am not a teenager now I was one many, MANY (sob) moons ago and it would've been amazing to have a character such as this way back when. Maybe some may find her character annoying but she's a teenager with dead parents, life uprooted, family secrets abound then yes, I'd expect her to make questionable choices and to , you know, act like a freaking teenager.

Sign me up for living at Huntington mansion....and book two.

May 19, 2022Report this review