Serpent in White

Serpent in White

580 pages

This was a cool concept, I liked the setting, the almost paranormal aspect of the mindreading, it was fun. 

I just did not connect with the characters, though. This is probably my 6th Nyla K book, and it's definitely my least favourite.  

I just could not get over the tiny little plot holes, just couldn't sit with the story properly. While the world itself was fun I don't think the world building was very strong. I can't see how this cult of people completely isolated from society are so self sufficient. How they have a construction team. How they keep getting away from police. 
Also I hated how insta love it felt with Abdiel and Darian and Drake, which is crazy because it took them like 200 pages to start getting together but it still felt rushed and I didn't enjoy it. 

Another thing that i dont particularly enjoy, and this may be a personal thing but I just don't like books with jealousy of each other within a poly couple. 

Lastly, I had read the White Snake (which is the Grimm brothers' fairy tale this is a retelling of)as a child, and to be honest i really did not make the connections and interpret the story as much as I should have. It was only after reading the author's note at the end I began drawing my conclusions. That just doesn't sit right with me, though, that the author had to come out and explain to you the aspects of her interpretation when you should've picked it apart on your own.
Also the author recommends rereading for a better understanding but i don't think I will 

March 16, 2024Report this review