She Prays

She Prays

2019 • 224 pages


Average rating5


“When I was a young girl, I made the choice to follow Jesus. But then for years my understanding of sin far outweighed my understanding of God's grace.”

Debbie Lindell captures my experience perfectly with that sentence. I grew up in church. There every time the doors opened. Became a Christian at a fairly young age. But for years, I didn't really grow closer to Jesus. I prayed, sure, but deep down, I trusted myself more than I trusted God. I didn't think I could really talk to Him.

In She Prays, Lindell blows that thought process to smithereens. In gentle, compelling language, she talks about just what it is that God did to give us access to Himself - the lengths He went to. She writes like a friend talks, and shares truth because she genuinely wants the reader to hear and understand it. And once her words started to sink in, that started to reshape my understanding of prayer.

I was privileged to read a digital copy of this book, but I like it so much, I'm going to need a physical copy to read and re-read.

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary advance copy of this book from the author. All opinions here are mine, and I don't say nice things about books I don't like.

September 25, 2019Report this review