Calls his ideologue “as American as apple pie”, Hey Mason I don't think Americans are lining up to support Serial Killers or Satanism also how many Americans are going to switch over from Traditional Christianity too some whacko Satanic White Nat borderline doomer cult crap inspired by another a Tree Hugging Pagang Hindu Hitlerite. There is a reason why you and the rest of your type are treated like marginalized scum. Your literally mixing eastern ideology with western ideology in some unholy esoteric matrimony yet I guess even though Hitler called the Japanese Honorary Aryans and Japanese are a non-Christian traditional pantheon type culture (you know, like the ones savitri devi kept banging on about) yet for some reason you guys all hate gays. Makes a hell of alot of sense to me though it isn't my problem, keep on doing your own inane insanity like the lemmings you are. (Btw though I am not a Hitlerite and have made so very clear in my own personal blog I do find it ironic that the AtomWaffen say they represent National Socialism when older more respected groups within it (I'd like to put that term respected in massive quotations because the people who wrote the second addition to siege remarked on a guy being a respected national socialist from the so called movement who would later go on to write an article about the tragedy of the fall of White South Africa totally ignorant of how it was an ally of Israel and Israel even got its nuclear weapons from pre Mandela SA , see this for citation have distanced themselves from the atomwaffen and siege in general , also the guy who said in the review section that the book is like reading a manifesto written by the joker is spot so props to him its that loony