Average rating3.7
This installment was a disappointment after the last book. The pacing was SO slow that it fizzled out completely - by the end when all the little mysteries were being wrapped up in a bow, I had to skim it because I didn't care how any of them panned out.
One of the biggest factors for my lower rating of the first book and now this book is the love interest (if we can even call him that). I don't know if the author planned to draw out the romance subplot throughout multiple books before we see anything more than a hasty kiss, but I don't sense the chemistry between the two protagonists at all. I honestly can't recall one kind thing he's said to her besides acknowledging that she is a somewhat good detective as she seems to have solved all of the mysteries in book 1 and 2, even though she makes way too many mistakes (some of which she should not be apologizing for constantly because they weren't her fault), and he didn't solve any of them. And the amount of times he looks disdainful, disgusted, or looks upon any situation with distaste is much too much. He broods for the sake of brooding and his pride is his least attractive trait. I honestly don't see why she likes him at all. The lack of honesty, respect or trust between does not a relationship make.
Finally, she came (somewhat) to her senses by the end of this book. It look long enough to get there, and it was painful to watch. But that truly was the only highlight of this book for me. Overall, it was entirely too long and had no payoff in the end, the solving of the mystery was the least interesting part of the book to read.