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Sixty: A Diary: My Year of Aging Semi-Gracefully



Average rating4


I'm turning sixty this year, and my husband did so last month, and all my old friends either just have or are just about to, so how could I pass up this little memoir?

Ian Brown decides to keep a journal of the year he turns sixty and that's this book. He's balding and he tires more easily and he worries about whether he can still write and he knows he's slowing down; Brown shares all the aches and pains of his new life as an old man, and interweaves the information he's learned from the thorough research he's done about the changes our bodies undergo as we age.

You will want to read it, too, if you are approaching this pivotal age yourself or you are on the other side of it.* It's good preparation. It's good fun, too.

*One small footnote: It's written by a man and it's from a man's point of view and most of the facts are about men at sixty. Just know that going in.

July 1, 2016Report this review