Cover 3

Skye Object 3270a

Skye Object 3270a



Average rating4.5


I am far from the target demographic, but I quite enjoyed [b:Skye Object 3270a 11275740 Skye Object 3270a Linda Nagata 6557693] nonetheless. This short novel is a mixture of the young-adult and science fiction genres. The main character is a 14 year old girl oddly named “Skye Object 3270a”. Skye's odd name turns out to be related to the plot of the story.Skye is precocious and somewhat given to impetuous action. Her friends are no better. When she finds that she has a serious problem she and her friends immediately set out to fix it, but without seeking any adult guidance or assistance. This leads to dangerous situations and wondrous complications. Four teenagers are soon off on a fast-paced high-tech adventure.The story is set in the universe of [a:Linda Nagata 578581 Linda Nagata]'s Nanotech Succession series. Most of the action takes place in or near the city of Silk and (I think) near the time of Nagata's [b:Deception Well 12632768 Deception Well Linda Nagata 1175813] story.

September 25, 2013Report this review