Slightly Single
2014 • 300 pages


Average rating3.5


Good summer read! I started reading this as my “at work” book, meaning I'll read it at work and read something else when I'm home. But I quickly got into the story and in Tracey's head. I loved her transformation from the beginning of the book to the end. At first she's overweight, unhappy with her herself, with her relationship (is in self denial about it and therefore comfort eats), with her job, just unhappy in general. But when Will leaves, she's forced to confront her demons. She makes a list of what she wants to do while he's gone and I'm proud of her that she does them all! By the end of the book, she's still unsure and still insecure, but she knows she going to get past it and be ok. I can tell she's happier with herself and more confident. I hope to see more of that in the next book. And I hope Will makes a reappearance and Tracey can tell him once and for all to screw himself!

May 31, 2009Report this review