Cover 3

Slow Heat

2017 • 436 pages


Average rating3.5


Silk Chains: An Extensive Allegorical Study of Gender and Identity Politics in the Omegaverse(and maybe not just there?) - a more apt title for this.

I liked this book. And I don't know if I just read too much into it that I shouldn't have but this wasn't really what I'd consider a romance.

It delved so deeply into the dynamics of the Alpha/Omega relationships(within this specific world, sure) in the omegaverse, mostly exploring how hard the situation is for Omegas.

And the next one seems like it may explore the same but for Alphas (especially those like Xan who want to be 'other')

There's a heavy undertone to this that wasn't what I hoped for when I picked it. I wanted nesting and sweet tender capitulation.

I wanted whimsy. Where's my whimsy😫???

Well, to be fair, there WERE a few lighthearted moments. But those were few and far between.

"I want you to write poems about me. Everyone needs to know how much you love my cock. You need to tell them. In a very explicit but elegant way."

Also, this had a very realistic depiction of what it could look like with such a big age gap, and it showed in the difference in lived experience and perspective.

Jason was so sheltered to the realities of life, and Vale so jaded. Sadly, I don't think they had a balanced impact on each other. Jason had to grow up so suddenly, and I don't think Vale is as optimistic as one would hope about their situation at the end, but who would blame him?

Will I read Xan and Urho's story? Absolutely, yes. But this time I'll know what to expect going in.

April 2, 2024Report this review