Average rating3.8
The story of Small Island revolves around four characters, Hortense, Gilbert, Queenie and Bernard. They are two couples, one white Queenie and Bernard and one Black, Hortense and Gilbert. The novel is narrated in the perspective of these four characters. Plot is set in England of 1948. Gilbert is a soldier in Royal force from Jamaica. He is living in a small room in the house owned by Queenie. The story starts with queenie, her perceptions and thoughts about her own life. Her husband is sent overseas during the war and hasn’t returned yet. Then the story shifts to Hortense , the lady always wanted to leave her ‘small island’ and reside in British isle as it was a ‘large’ one. She set out for England with plenty of expectations and wishes but is disappointed with her new groom and his state of living. Later the plot shifts from Gilbert to Bernard dealing with many issues of race and identity.
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So I'm reading this book, and I start finding myself spending a lot more time scrolling aimlessly on Reddit rather than reading my book; this is a red flag.
One of the problems is that the book starts off with Hortense narrating, and she is a truly unlikeable character, just off-putting in the extreme. Then from her experiences we switch to Gilbert's, which are full of racism and very difficult to read (I know, I can't read about what other people lived through, I'm horrible). By the time it switched over to Queenie's chapters I was not getting any pleasure from reading this book, and was not really interested in what she might add to the mix. It was obvious that things were just going to be shit for these people, and they were not interesting enough to make me sit through that. I made it about halfway through the book, and most of that was because I was unconsciously afraid I would look like a racist if I didn't read and finish this book. Then I remembered that reading is my hobby, and reading (or not reading) something out of fear of what others might think is sick. So I returned the book to the library and grooved on.
Sometimes we readers find a book we love so much we can't put it down and end up reading it late into the night until we get to the end.
Sometimes we find a book that we love so much we force ourselves to set it down and save it for another day, dragging out the enjoyment of the book for days or even weeks.
Small Island was a save-it book for me. Beautiful language. Fascinating characters and setting.
I dragged this book out for weeks. Highly recommended.