Smoke and Fire
2016 • 370 pages


Average rating5


first off as always I want to thank NetGalley the author and St. Martin's press for my advanced copy of this amazing book. I don't have anything negative to write out side of the fact that I wish I had known about this author sooner this is my first Donna Grant read and she definitely has a fan in me I have already purchased book one so I will work my way back slowly! now on to the story.

SMOKE AND FIRE by Donna Grant is the ninth action-packed installment in the author's Dark Kings series featuring her sexy Scottish dragon-shifters. The idea of starting a series backward is amusing to me but the author has such depth to her characters that I instantly want to see how each couple i met was formed and the journey they took.

Ryder fell in love with a mortal Kinsey. But one night he left her without a word and he never came back . Then one night Kinsey saw Ryder's true form and she run away from him. Heartbroken and disappointed Kinsey tried to lead a normal life and Ryder never went back thinking that she deserved a normal life , little did they know that all this time Ryder never stopped loving her and she never stopped loving him. Fast forward three years later they are forced to work together by forces that put their past love to the test and put their future in jeopardy! this gets 5 Shifter stars from me. the family bond the chemistry is perfect! if you are looking to get hooked on a new author Donna Grant has you hook line and sinker with her Dragons

March 30, 2016Report this review