

Average rating4


[b:Snipers 17987183 Snipers Kristine Kathryn Rusch 25223129] is a well crafted mystery with strong SF overtones. All of the action takes place in Vienna, but in two timelines–one in 1913 and the other in 2005.The main protagonist, Sofie Branstadter, is a successful investigative journalist. She is writing a book about a series of famous unsolved murders that occurred in Vienna in 1913. As her investigations lead her deeper into the mystery, she finds oddity piled on oddity.I cannot say more without giving away important details. Suffice to say, no one knew it at the time, but there was something special about Vienna in 1913.[a:Kristine Kathryn Rusch 43989 Kristine Kathryn Rusch] has written a tight story filled with action in one timeline and good detective work in the other. Good book, recommended.

September 4, 2013Report this review