2016 • 400 pages


Average rating3.7


This is a book about shape-shifting dragons and makes me feel like the whole supernatural romance genre has become self-mocking. Like humans are going to be playing tonsil hockey with more and more ridiculous creatures until no-one can even take it seriously anymore. Have we done centaurs yet?! How about a sphinx?! This is probably evidence that I'm getting old and surly and am going to start uttering things like, “What's wrong with kids today?”

The mark of a good series is the ability to read any of its parts out of sequence and have it be an enjoyable read. The mark of a great series is the need to read the rest of the series after having read one out of sequence. Talon is a good series but definitely not great; having read book 3, I could care less what happens to Ember or Riley or Garrett or even Wes (who was the only character I found remotely interesting) and wouldn't lift a finger to find out. If I was younger and had less discriminating taste and more time, I might be subject to the allure of such a series though. Maybe. (No, probably not.)

Many thanks to Harlequin Teen for the free review copy via goodreads.

April 14, 2016Report this review