Average rating3.9
I really enjoyed this. It's exciting and fast-paced, and the main characters are all easy to like. Actually, the point-of-view character doesn't have any flaws, aside from naivete, but I didn't mind that too much, because it isn't really a character-driven story.
I do like Llewelyn's journey in this story, from a man with nothing to live for to one proud of himself and surrounded by friends. Still, most of the plot focuses on the mystery, which has to do with anti-Semitism. The book gives an interesting picture of Jewish life at that time in London.
My only other criticism is that there aren't any female characters with depth. Llewelyn does have a love interest, but I have no idea why he's attracted to her, other than her looks.
The ending was very good, with everything wrapped up, although I'm definitely eager to continue reading the series. I was shocked at how much I liked this; I got the audiobook from the library as kind of a lark and didn't expect to blaze through it in a few days.