Something Tragic
Something Tragic
The nerd and the popular girl get stuck together for a school project, could it ever be something more?
Addison is new to Parkville High. She keeps to herself, plays the drums, and joins the band. Crisa Grayson on the other hand is seen and heard everywhere. Rumors enter a building before she does. Everyday Addison hears a new one about a new boy or a new party. Crisa is so far out of Addison's league.
Then one day in AP English, Crisa is assigned to be her partner in a month long school project. As the days creep by, Addison and Crisa grow closer. Crisa starts sharing her secrets with Addie. Addie unfortunately can't share her biggest secret with Crisa: she likes girls...maybe even her.
Jessica Yeh writes a sensitive coming out story for young adults in Something Tragic (Desert Palm Press, 9781942976677, 2017). I have said this before in another review about Yeh's work, but it is a must read. This time for different reasons. Addison and Crisa's characters each bring different LGBTQ+ issues to the forefront, but also individual ones. The first experiencing love with a female knowing you like girls and from Crisa's standpoint the confusion of having this happen. Addison has two gay uncles and a support system and Crisa has no support system.
They are both suffering from parental losses and have chosen similar methods of dealing with it which many young adults will identify with (I identified with it). Then there is the issue with gossip in school and the ramifications of being pretty and popular. The destructive ways in which we handle situations. Yeh handles all of these situations deftly through her characters. Kudos.
She does not rush Addie and Crisa's relationship, nor does she give us cheap thrills. I have to say that I really enjoyed this coming out story and once again cannot wait to read what Yeh has for us next.