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Song of Blood and Stone (Earthsinger Chronicles Book #1
L. Penelope
Year published: 2018
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Genre: Young Adult ~ Fantasy ~ New Adult ~ Romance
Stars: Dnf'ed at 50%. Wasn't interesting me enough. But for the most part – it was a 2 star read.
Someone said on Goodreads that the book was self-published in 2015 and then was picked up by a publishing company. But since I received the book through Netgalley – I'm choosing the details of the ‘newly' published over the self-published detais
Disclaimer: I received this e-arc from Netgalley and St. Martin's Press in exchange for a free and honest review. All opinions expressed are my own. Please note that as this as I read an arc I have no way of knowing that if the scene shows up in the published version.
Warning: There's illusions towards rape and also an attempt at rape.
So, I wanted to like this book. It looked good – had magic and mentioned a land at war and I really like those things. But then it all fell apart. The book wasn't interesting enough. I tried to keep on – that's why I kept reading until 50% – thought it was maybe a slow read – and it was a slow read, but it didn't pick up for me.
The characters were a bit boring to me. I liked Jasminda, though, she was strong, but her story confused me a lot. I could never keep up with which side of the land her dad comes from and which side her mom comes from and what's the story behind both – it all confused me so much. And Jack, yeah, it's not that he was too intense, it's just that he instantly fell in love with Jasminda and that's not really in my interests.
The plot, while decent, had too much going on and too much time spent highlighting subplots to allow the main plot to thrive. The plot had the chance and ability to grow, it just didn't – and that upset me a bit.