Songs for the Dead and the Living

Songs for the Dead and the Living

2023 • 288 pages


Average rating5


I knew from the minute I first laid my eyes on this book and read the description that it was going to be a beautiful read that I had to pick it up. I am so happy to say I was right.

Song For The Living and The Dead is a moving and beautiful book that follows the lives of a Palestinian-Lebanese family and their struggles as their family is continuously displaced from their homes due to the aggression of the occupation of the Israeli army.

This book portrayed the reality of the generational trauma that has been an integral consequence of the Nakba and the ongoing bombardments carried out on Palestine by the US-funded settler colony that is Israel. It explores the devastating truth that Palestinians are treated like prisoners with no rights in their own country and the discrimination that they face daily because of where they and/or their family was born.

This is such an important read, especially in today's time as the world witnesses Israel commit atrocities against Palestine once again by displacing millions, killing thousands and contributing to the genocide that Israel has been perpetrating for the past 75+ years.

I can't wait to read more from this author.

November 30, 2023Report this review