Average rating4.1
there was nothing i didn't love about this book, so let me try and sum up my favorite things to try and get you to read it too:
the main character, elisabeth, sticks to her guns. while she meets people along her journey that affect how she sees the world, her stubborn nature stays true throughout the story; she wants to save everyone, and most importantly, the books
bro the IDEA of BOOKS being so POWERFUL just TICKLED ME PINK. i wanted more chapters about the libraries and grimoires and how librarians worked because i was just so enamored by the whole concept. it's been a long time since i've wanted to actually live in a YA fantasy setting, but i think i could really love being a librarian in one of these libraries
i don't know how. but margaret rogerson manages to make characters you get attached to, and relationships that you understand better than you understand yourself – and then she punches you in the face and you thank her for it. my sweet demon baby, silas, ur da best