Cover 4

Sourdough Culture

Sourdough Culture

A History of Bread Making from Ancient to Modern Bakers


Average rating5


This was really well done. I love a good nonfiction about food, but occasionally some of them drag or I find them far to tangential to follow. Sourdough Culture didn't have these problems. Eric Pallant has a sourdough culture rumored to be from the Gold Rush era, and he embarks on quite the adventure to figure out if it's true. Telling both a history of bread starting with the ancient Egyptians to modern times and his own personal history with bread he does his best to track down where his sourdough starter could have come from. Pallant's voice really comes through in this book and I felt like I was listening to a story the whole time, even when he was giving facts or talking about history, something I personally love in nonfiction works. I intend to try some of the recipes included in this book as well and I'm sure it's a book I'll read again some day.

January 19, 2022Report this review