Average rating3.8
DNF at 50%. I remember loving this as a teenager; free verse from dead people dissing each other and surrendering their secrets was perfect for a melodramatic outsider like me. I even wrote a handful of my own entries about my high school classmates as a harmless form of revenge (decades before the internet, thank god). I picked the book up again recently after seeing it referenced in [b:How to Read a Book 62365896 How to Read a Book Monica Wood https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1668464017l/62365896.SX50.jpg 95204458]. I had forgotten that there are more than 200 entries and that after a while they all blur together in a repetitive jumble of regret and anger. Even though I noped out at the halfway point, I don't regret revisiting this early 20th century example of small town, “family values” hypocrisy. Learning that the original poems were published in a St. Louis Missouri, literary journal (my hometown) was just a bonus.