Spy Stuff
Spy Stuff
I like this book. I like this book a lot. I've finally found a book with a trans character that actually spends time focusing on the character being trans - and what that means for him, and his feelings/worries about that. I'd say it's because Anton hasn't started transitioning yet - though he desperately wants to - but I've read books with trans characters of the same age bracket, and ... those books aren't that in depth. This book has many conversations between Anton and others (his mom, his aunt, his therapist and his boyfriend) about things in his life - maybe big things, maybe little things, but all important things. And I always like books that have a lot of conversations where things are actually being said. AND, I love when blooming romances take the time to actually talk things out - Anton and Jude definitely do here. The ONLY thing keeping me from unequivocally giving this a five star is that, really, the plot seems to, kind of, sort of ... go nowhere. It's not a coming out story, because Anton has already done that. It's not a romance, exactly, because the couple gets together early on. To me, it's really hard to quantify and, because of that, I kept expecting some big twist or something really bad to happen. (Once I realized that it probably wasn't, I was back to enjoying the cute read. Because, while there is some serious subject matter - and a seriously awful father - the book is mostly cute and a bit fluffy.)