Average rating3.3
Aww yiss, Poe Dameron's parents are badass! Princess Leia is badass! The Queen of Naboo is badass! I feel like all the new SW books I've read have done a lot of work to point out how important Leia's skillset is and how many sacrifices she's had to make, and this book was no exception.Also, the art is gorgeous and so is Shara Bey's hair.this vol also includes #1 of [b:Star Wars: Princess Leia 25013184 Star Wars Princess Leia Mark Waid https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1435801343s/25013184.jpg 44684998] and a reprint of a 70s Star Wars comic, the latter of which is notable mainly for how Luke looks weirdly like He-Man and how unfortunate Biggs' mustache is.