Strong Enough
2017 • 302 pages


Average rating4.3


The worst fuckboys are the ones that don't even seem to realize it's what they are. Because what do you mean I should live with you and we can have sex on the DL but we ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT let anyone ever find out?? Sir, you are a grown ass man.

Honestly, I can understand the struggle with his sexuality. I really can. It's just the way he went around it that was so hurtful and disrespectful to Maxim.

So. I did not like Derek. Disliking one MC is a hard thing to get over in a book. Sometimes I can(looking at you Frankie - Leland did a lot of heavy lifting for you), but this was not one of those times.

Took Maxim long enough but I'm glad he finally kicked Derek to the curb. It was nice that Derek came out to his nesrest and dearest first, THEN went on the apology tour but by then it was too late for me to invest.

If I'd liked Derek, I'd have liked this a lot more. There's nothing wrong with the book. I just really disliked him and Maxim did not put him through enough hoops for me.

February 10, 2024Report this review