I'm sure Susan Wiggs didn't plan on the incredibly bad timing of this book's release, but it should come with a big WARNING sticker on the cover: MC becomes pregnant as a result of a rape and tries to get an abortion while she is in jail for murdering her rapist in self-defense. Oh, and all of this happens IN TEXAS. I can think of a few million women who would be triggered by reading this book, so my advice is to ignore the misleading generic cover picture (which isn't even accurate - the heroine cooks barbeque, she doesn't bake cakes) and understand that this is a fucking horror story.
I could go on about the fact that the book's pacing is strange - we get quick back stories of the hero's mother and her first lover, and the revelation of a secret that is obvious to anyone who reads Women's Fiction. This is followed by a long flashback to the events described above, and then suddenly it's ten years later and after a few roadblocks that are very quickly dealt with, everyone gets their HEA. But frankly I couldn't get past the fact that there are numerous women living this nightmare right now, without even the legal rights that the heroine had.
YMMV if you can separate the book's plot from the very real destruction of women's rights that are taking place in front of our eyes.