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Super Powereds

Super Powereds: Year 3

2015 • 1,104 pages


Average rating4.5


Year 3 arrived and things are even more complicated than before.

I realised something. Did any of you grow up watching anime (or reading manga) that is long, usually shounen and has a million arcs? Some of them typical for all. They usually have a tournament arc, some kind of epic, midfuck-y fight, usually a couple fun episodes with things like characters going to the beach or having to wear costumes/uniforms for a bit. Parents show up and turn out to be more important than you thought. Someone presumed to be dead, but still alive.
Yep. This series is basically that, in a novel format.
If you like it, you will love this. It's not the best written stuff, some things are cringe and sometimes sentences are awkward as hell. I'm pretty sure the author forgot about some things and characters halfway through. Sometimes the characterization is not super consistent.
But you will have fun with it.

Now this specific volume had some things that made me roll my eyes that didn't even pay off (EHMspoiler: ElizaEHM), but I am still into it.

I would also like more time spent on certain characters, like Dean Blaine or Sean Pendleton. Then again, I'm probably just getting old when I relate to the teachers more than to the protagonist kids. That's life, I suppose.

All in all, still a good read, even if the books are getting damn long. For my very first web serial, this was a super solid choice.

March 7, 2021Report this review