Supergirl, Volume 2: Sins of the Circle

Supergirl, Volume 2: Sins of the Circle



Average rating3

Jamie RevellSupporter

What seemed a potentially interesting quest to discover the real reason for Krypton's destruction turns into a lengthy slugfest with the thinly developed villains responsible. On the plus side, there are some worthwhile diversions between the fighting, and some use of places such as Thanagar that tie the space opera into the wider DC universe. There is also some characterisation of Kara that pits her inner rage against her ideals, which harks back a little to the ‘Red Lantern' plotline of the pre-Rebirth New 52, although obviously without connecting to it. Andreyko's story didn't really grab me here, but his writing remains better than his predecessor's. But, for all the nice change of scenery, I'll be glad to be getting back to Earthly settings with the next volume, and seeing what the next writer has in store.

February 19, 2020Report this review