Supergirl, Volume 4: Plain Sight

Supergirl, Volume 4: Plain Sight



Average rating3

Jamie RevellSupporter

It's not quite as weak as the previous volume, which is something - how much that's due to Houser working as co-writer with Orlando, and how much to do with the fact that this is at least building to a climax is hard to say, although I rather suspect the former. Having said which, it's still not a particularly great story, consisting largely of Bones throwing a series of unremarkable villains after Supergirl in the hope that one of them will delay her long enough for him to capture her. There's one episode that focuses instead on how Supergirl has touched people's lives, which is not bad in itself, but does feel out-of-place in the middle of the larger arc. And the artwork is consistently good (apart from the cheesy cover...)