Superman: The Man of Steel, Vol. 2

Superman: The Man of Steel, Vol. 2

1987 • 544 pages


Average rating3.5


John Byrne's Superman wasn't the first iteration of the character that I ever read, but it remains one of my favourites. This volume isn't as much of a classic as the first in the Man of Steel series, but there are some fun science-fictiony type adventures in it.

One thing I was very disappointed in, though, was the last three chapters of the book. It's part of the Legends mega-crossover, and we're just unceremoniously dumped into the middle of that story without any context. To make matters worse, Byrne's version of Darkseid turns him into a cackling, run-of-the-mill supervillian than the majestic god of evil that he truly is.

March 4, 2012Report this review