Surreal Estate

Surreal Estate

2018 • 271 pages


Average rating4


An appealing m/m romantic novel with a psychic twist! Nick is a straight house flipper who buys the house homeless gay Sasha is squatting in. Sasha is drawn to the house as he has a special talent that allows him to see visions from the past and pick up on vibes about places.
This is not really a ghost story as such, but I enjoyed the psychic elements as it was integrated nicely into the novel. The relationship is well paced with two good characters, and Nick's coming out isn't too rushed. The sex scenes were well written and seemed realistic, though they are not that frequent. Best part was the plot though, some good twists and turns with Nick's loan from a local thug and Sasha dealing with his drug addicted mother, it had enough suspense to keep me finishing it quickly and I would like to read more about the characters in the future as I thought they were realisticlly written and as a reader, I was drawn into their lives. I thought this was a good example of this genre. Thanks to the publisher for allowing me early access through Netgalley.

February 23, 2019Report this review