Average rating4
The first thing I did when I picked up this book was look at the Johari Window on the very first page. I was super confused. It just didn't make any sense to me. However, once I reached page 35, I was able to see that there was an error on the coloured quadrant initially saw: the “not” was missing from the second “known to self.” Phew. All was right in my world again. (Insert eye roll here.)
I'm not a huge fan of this Johari Window—it's probably because it's simplistic and makes complete sense. (Insert a second eye roll at self here.) But I did discover that I am a huge fan of Thomas Erikson's writing. I haven't read anything else by him, but I will be sure to going forward. This was a wonderfully informative and engaging book on how to acknowledge and face the psychopaths on your life, and people in general.