Tales of Nightmares: Wily Writers Presents #2

Tales of Nightmares: Wily Writers Presents #2

2022 • 131 pages

I received an e-arc from the publisher and NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.

3.5/5 Stars

This short story collection was fun! As it is with other short stories, I preferred some over others. Some of my favorites included “Twenty Questions” by Jennifer Brozek and “The Haunting of Mrs. Poole” by Angel Leigh McCoy.

I appreciated how some stories had ambiguous endings. It made the stories more thrilling not knowing how they could have resolved. I also felt like the stories fit together very well. Despite the different writing styles and plots, each story was complimentary to one another. It is obvious all the authors are talented writers and are exceptional at descriptive imagery.

Overall, I would recommend this book to those who want a light horror read. These stories were quick and well-crafted and I am interested in looking at other works by some of the authors.

August 18, 2022Report this review