Talk to Me
2009 • 67 pages


Average rating5


There are only so many short stories I love. This is one of them.
It turned me into a fourteen year old, squealing and giggling girl with all the adorableness. I'm pretty sure my teeth hurt from all the sweetness and overall cuteness of it.
This was pure sugar! The fluffiest and most loveable little drarry fanfic I encountered up to now!
The perfect cure to read after a tragic and heartbreaking drarry fanfic. It mends all aches and flicks your broken heart back together.
I admit that I almost didn't want Harry to get his sight and hearing back, simply because the image of Malfoy communicating with Harry that way was so adorable and sexy at the same time...
Just go and read it now before I get the chance to ramble on about the sheer perfection of this little gem!

December 10, 2013Report this review