Tasha: A Son's Memoir

Tasha: A Son's Memoir

2022 • 267 pages


Average rating5


My local library had this book on display and it had been recommended to me by my daughter, so I happily picked it up. Well, I read it in two days and I loved it. Profoundly loved it. Having aging parents, I could relate to some thing on literally every page of this book. It helps that he is a deft and quick-witted writer, at times self-deprecating, other times angry, but always brutally honest with himself and thus the reader. Of course, it doesn't hurt his storytelling that his mother was one hell of a woman: a trailblazer in her small part of the world. An educator, a survivor, and a bit of a rabble rouser on everything from politics, the changes in education, to the goings on at her local Jewish community center. There is heartbreak on display here and it is palpable, but there's also catharsis, and those of us eyeing our own Tashas of our worlds, can relate and boy oh boy can we appreciate his thoughts, his words, and all he shared here. I highly recommend this short 200ish page read. 5/5

January 29, 2023Report this review