Teaching Mia

Teaching Mia

2013 • 288 pages


Average rating3


It was a pretty solid book, I got it for free on iBooks. It follows the story of a woman named Mia who decided to continue her education abroad in Spain to rediscover herself after a painful past in New York. There in her senior year of college she meets Leo and the story really begin from there.
There were times were I felt like the story was dragging and the romance was going way too fast. Overall the plot was pretty good but Mia's secret was actually very anticlimactic, with the way she was acting I expected a much bigger secret to be honest. There were many times were I wanted to slap Mia in the face. Literally one moment she'll feel sorry for herself because she ruined the relationship but the moment she sees Leo she would act like a total snob and very bitchy. I would recommend this to anyone who could find this for free honestly.

April 27, 2015Report this review