Teen Titans Academy, Vol. 2: Exit Wounds

Teen Titans Academy, Vol. 2: Exit Wounds

2022 • 176 pages


Average rating4

Jamie RevellSupporter

The main problem I had with volume 1 becomes, if anything, more obvious in this second part: the cast is too large. It's the sort of thing that might be fine in a different medium, or if the characters are already familiar to the reader (as might be the case with, say, The X-Men) but here it means that we can't really explore all the characters fully. For instance, the Bat Pack, who were so strong in volume 1, hardly get anything to do here, being pushed into the background. Bolt suffers a similar problem.

Now, that's to make way, initially, for Summer and Gregg, exactly the characters I wanted to see more of, so one can't complain too much. Once they're done, it's the turn of Dane in the Halloween issue and then we get to wrap up the Red X plotline. Individually, the stories are good (hence the four stars) but, with the exception of Stitch, we don't see most of the characters for long enough to build up much about them. And there are other characters who flit about here and there and who we don't get much on at all - Tress being a case in point, as she's present enough to seem interesting, but not enough to be developed.

Having said that, it's generally fun, there's a good sense of drama when it's needed, and we get a sense of the school year passing and the characters growing from their time together. If the intention was to throw out ideas and see what stuck, it's successful from my point of view, but even just keeping the characters I liked the most leaves enough for two different superhero teams...

November 24, 2022Report this review