Average rating4.5
OK I don't usually read or enjoy first person POV but for some reason since getting into M/M there have been quite a few good books that just happened to be that way. So I figure, who am I to turn away from a good book just because of the POV.
So I went into this book with a bit of a minus against it already, however right from the first chapter I was laughing so hard I had to put my tablet down to wipe my eyes. Then I'd go back and start laughing again, it was crazy, I thought I would never get through the book. I have NEVER laughed as much in any book ever and I read about a book or two a day right now. I loved the characters and how they interacted with each other and I liked the love story. Most of all though, I loved how much I laughed so hard that my cheeks and ribs hurt. That is why this book gets five stars from me and the author is absolutely is on my top watch list.