Ten Thousand Stitches
2020 • 250 pages


Average rating3.8


Once I read and adored Half A Soul more than a month ago, it was never in doubt that I was gonna pick up this sequel. And just like I hoped, this was an unputdownable fun read from beginning to end. I'm feeling so glad that I discovered this trilogy.

Just like the first book, the writing captured me immediately. We are so used to reading about the lords and dukes in historical fiction, so this was a nice change because our POV is a maid in a household where none of the servants are treated well. With the author's smart but funny writing, we get to see the plight of the people who work in such households and have no status, how their invisibility is considered their best quality, any wrongs done unto them have no consequences for the perpetrators but they are really powerless to do much about it. But the way this story progresses and makes a point for solidarity between the working class people and how their unity can be a big factor in them being able to change their circumstances, is written in a very meaningful way, and while it may seem a bit too hopeful and fantastical, the message conveys beautifully. I think it's this ability of the author to comment on important social issues but still keep the whimsy and fun intact in the story is what has impressed me the most.

Now, how can I not talk about our lovely characters. Effie is a maid who is full of anger because what else does she have left when she is I'll treated every single day. She doesn't have much choice though because who wants to starve, but it doesn't mean that she has no hope for a change. She too dreams of marrying her Prince Charming and is even okay with making a deal with a Fae to get her wish fulfilled. But what the author does with her story is give her the opportunity to see the truth behind the supposed Prince she wants to marry, realize what is it that she values in a partner and what she hopes her future will actually be. It's a slow realization, and she stumbles a bit in between, repressing her anger at every turn when she is belittled or forgotten or not seen, until it all bubbles up and comes out in an explosive way. But what I loved about her character arc is that the author makes sure we understand that Effie's anger and that of anyone else working in that household is justified, and while them being quiet about it is necessary for their job prospects, it doesn't mean that it's the right thing to do. They have every right to be angry at their dire circumstances and do something about it if possible, stand together with each other to demand better working conditions.

But it's definitely Lord Blackthorn who brings the fun to this story. This is a tangent but in most fanfics of MDZS (and The Untamed), Lan Jingyi is called the most un-Lan among the Lans and I think it's perfect to say that Lord Blackthorn is equally un-Fae compared to how most Fae seem to be in this world. He is hopeful and optimistic and wants to learn and grow and be virtuous, and his cheer just lights up the pages here. Even Effie realizes that her anger dissipates when she is with him because he is one person who doesn't treat her differently just because she is a maid, respects her for the hard work she puts in every day, and hopes she will get her wishes fulfilled. Yes, his help leads to some disasters but he is too endearing to be very angry at, and I know Effie will agree with me. Their developing friendship and more is just so lovely and we as readers will keep hoping as the story goes on that she'll forget her Prince Charming, and look at Lord Blackthorn romantically because they are just so perfect together.

There's also an interesting cast of characters, our feelings towards whom keep fluctuating as the story goes on and things are revealed. Lydia is a fellow maid and Effie's no 1 cheerleader and I loved their friendship. We start of hating Lady Culver because of her extremely harsh treatment of the staff, but we also slowly get to see why she came to be that way - not that it elicits much sympathy towards her though coz she still takes out her frustrations on people who can't talk back. Benedict is like the blandest Prince Charming and we can see why Effie might think he is sweet and charming but we learn along with her about his depth of character (or lack thereof). Mrs. Sedgwick and Mr. Allen are the housekeeper and butler, almost antagonistic towards each other but the way their character arcs develop is also a joy to discover.

What more can I say here. I feel like I've written the most boring review for one of the most endearing and whimsical and charming books I've read in recent times. The author's take on the story of Cinderella, telling it from the pov of a working class person and giving us some hope about the power of solidarity - it's a very entertaining story, but also full of heart and many things to think and ponder about. Here's hoping I'll get my copy of Longshadow from Orbit soon because I'm even more excited to read it now.

August 15, 2022Report this review