Thanksgiving:: The Pilgrims' First Year in America

Thanksgiving:: The Pilgrims' First Year in America

2007 • 291 pages


Average rating5


This is a thoroughly enjoyable telling of the Pilgrims' journey to America and the events preceding and leading up to the first Thanksgiving celebration. The author's style is very readable, almost conversational, but not so casual that you miss the research that went into the book. He makes no secret of the fact that in some instances, we may not know what actually happened, and in those instances, he may exercise a bit of creative intuition to surmise as to how events took place. The book fleshed out what I learned as a child about the Pilgrims and the first Thanksgiving, and really made me think about what conditions might truly have been like. You can think “cold and miserable”, but that doesn't conjure up quite the mental image that a phrase like “sea spray froze on their clothes like iron” does. Thanksgiving was both educational and entertaining, and I highly recommend it.

May 26, 2010Report this review