The 120 Days of Sodom

The 120 Days of Sodom

1785 • 376 pages


Average rating2.4


1/4 of the work is unedited, what is supposed to be 3/4 of it is an outline. The language is not artful, it's repetitive, reads like a laundry list of everything horrible that you may do to someone and in the outline literally so. The characters are given superficial characteristics, they are with no personality whatsoever. The philosophy in this is minimal and if its meant to be a commentary it is only showing one side of the topic. The characters assume that they can only get off with the acts they perform in this experiment, propose that virtue is suffering and makes the pp cold even tho what they do in it can equally do that. This scroll explores the biggest depravities as it claims at the start, but it's executed in a way that it encourages you to take joy in them, the author even recommends to try some stuff out. It is a bit hard to tell whether he was a criminal since he was arrested in 1700s and the stuff he was accused of was “sodomy”, he could have been falsely accused, but the way this book was written makes me think he did, in fact, do a lot of those acts in the scroll and that he was in fact a criminal.

I don't know, but he might not like church :DDD Justine seems the main anti-church book tho.

The penguin introduction explains interesting origins of the work and the impact this writer had. It sets it up not as something to be taken literally, but rather as a study of cruelty, tho pretty sure that for the author it was wank matterial while only other authors applied it to study what we now know as sadism. Thanks Sade? I started reading “The Second Sex” before reading it, and I wasn't suprised Simone defended this book, of course she did. I learned about libertines from researching about her and then somehow got to reading “this”.

For some reason this haunted me and I read it quite quickly. Why. My mood was ruined and I think I need to reevaluate as to why I get drawn to horrific things or horror in general. I think this work will make me more careful and rightfully distrustful of certain kinds of people. I definetely got a shock that was described in the introduction, hope it leads to something.

I viewed Sodom and Gomorrah as these cool towns slain by God for no reason, but now whenever I look at the word Sodom I will probably remember this scroll at least a little. Not sure what to make of that.

September 2, 2023Report this review