The Adult

The Adult

2023 • 312 pages


Average rating3.4


Based on the premise, I was unsure if I would enjoy this book. It wasn't enthralling for me, and it was slow-paced until the end when the action picked up. I struggled to get through this book because Natalie was a bit boring. I understand that a major point of the book is that Natalie is trying to find out who she is and become someone, but her portrayal is very bland. I did want her to be okay, but it was because many of her situations were cringe.

I gave this book 3 stars because the prose was well-written despite being boring at times. I can see others enjoying this book, and I think that this book works well for people who enjoy coming-of-age stories.

Thank you to Algonquin Books for an ARC copy of this book, and I have provided my honest review.

May 19, 2023Report this review