The Aeronaut's Windlass
2015 • 643 pages


Average rating4.2


Oh god why did I started reading this? This is just a filler book in a “serial writing” authors list. yes, its better then I could ever write, but its no excuse for such a generic and blend story.

I wanted to see how an author who I have liked two books from decades and almost liked another one was doing nowadays, how he evolved.

I have no interest in the steampunk genre but I suspect that had nothing to do with the reason I stopped reading.

The book started with a scene of an aristocrat family where the a rebellious daughter is threatening at gunpoint her mother and her guards in order to be able to go against her wishes and join the air force as a soldier.

As soon as she leaves her bedroom, the mother reveals to the reader that all of this was her plan all along, because if she wanted her to become a solder, THEN she wouldn't. This is such a lame cliche.

I quit the book when the author started describing in boring details some air fighting.

Read 32:07 / 21:39 2%

March 30, 2017Report this review