The American Woman's Cook Book, Victory Binding
The American Woman's Cook Book, Victory Binding
Average rating3
I love cookbooks. I especially love old cookbooks with recipes I can alter to my personal tastes.
This book belonged to my Aunt Jean. She passed away last year, and her husband, my Uncle Vic, allowed me to have several of her cookbooks.
This book has a chapter on Menu Making. Several of the menus are meat-free.
Just a few of the many other chapters are: How to Buy Food, Table Setting and Service, Carving, Vegetarian Dishes, French Recipes, Food for Invalids, High Altitude Cooking, Cooking at the Table, The Friends Who Honor Us, and Wine Seasons Find Food.
This book also has some very interesting illustrations, and a handful of full-color photos.
I'm marking this book as read. If I put it as currently reading, it would never leave that category. I will read it over and over and over.
Another few notes:
The binding on this book is a little worn, but the book is in very good condition.
My aunt pasted a newspaper clipped recipe for Tomato Juice Sauce on the inside cover. Across from it, is a clipping listing some appliances and their “typical operating costs”. The clipping does not have a date, but I'm guessing it is from the 1960's. Here are some of the costs listed:
Coffee Maker 2.8 cents per 30 minutes
Dishwasher 5.6 cents per hour
Frying Pan 3.5 cents per hour
Solid state, color TV .67 per hour
Clock 80 cents per hour
Sewing machine 35 cents per hour