Average rating3.7
Another fantastic Animorphs book despite the spiders -shudder- Here's what stood out to me in this volume:
-Everyone making fun of Marco's haircut was funny and him getting all self-conscious about it was cute.
-I liked that Jake and Marco used their dog morphs to sneak into a concert. It's good to see them using their powers for fun every now and then. Cuz, c'mon that's what we would do amirite?
-More moral issues about violence getting personal vs. just fighting to save random innocents.
-Loved the backstory of the Chee it's nice to get another ally/alien species in the books. I thought the whole “they have never killed” plotline was very fascinating. Also enjoyed the bit about dogs and when Marco pointed out that the Pemalites became extinct BECAUSE they were nonviolent. More questioning of big picture issues.
-I liked the bit at the end where Erek decided to never fight again and pointed out that, because he's an android, he can never forget anything.
-Brutal bits like Marco bursting out of the crow's neck and the Gorilla's insides almost pouring out were a nice touch.
I miss Tobias :C he's not in the books enough! I get the fact that he's a hawk is very limiting but c'mon! I want more interaction with him.
New morphs this time around:
-Wolf spider
-Irish Setter