The Apocalypse Twins
2013 • 160 pages

(If you're wondering why I read this after being pretty MEH about volume 1: I checked them both out from the library at the same time and then I couldn't renew them because someone else requested them, and this prompted me to move them to the top of my to-read pile. #libraryproblems)

anyway this was even more boring than volume 1, just full of all the kinds of stuff I care about least in comics (boring time travel and Apocalypse and huge world-ending business) and hardly any of the stuff I do care about (character development, humor, sass, etc).

Pretty much all I liked about this was WASP, please put Janet Van Dyne in some book that I care to read. And/or a WASP MOVIE, thank you goodbye.

August 1, 2014Report this review