The Assassin's Curse
2012 • 298 pages


Average rating3.2


I tried my best to read this book and enjoy it but it was a huge effort. A HUGE EFFORT.I never felt as frustrated reading about characters as the ones in this book. The MC is constantly irritated and frustrated. It's not bad that she complains. It's what she does despite having those complaints. The love interest is a pathetic gruff man always on about how powerful he is and how he has to kill the MC only to get his sickly ass repeatedly saved by the MC. And the MC of all things is pinning after a guy who is not only the worse ever man to be interested in (cause hello death threats) the guy has no redeeming factor to him. He trusts an insane ex lover to help him only to find out that she betrayed him. If that isn't rage inducing for you then honestly good for you. Enjoy what you enjoy. I on the other hand did not enjoy the menacing headache and unnecessary rage this book made me go through. None of it was worth it. I hate these characters so much. I rather read about the insane diabolical ex lover as she skewers through her latest victim. Or maybe not as I'm pretty sure she'll be made into some plastic rage inducing character as well. Oh and this shiz continues in 2 more books. A trilogy when everything could fit in just one book. Nah uh. Buh bye. 

Final rating: -1