The Baby Bombshell
2017 • 187 pages


Average rating5


I like this cover. Great representation of the story. Good composition. It takes place just after Christmas, so the red and green of the text makes it slightly festive. It loses a star for one of my BIGGEST pet peeves...the author's name is larger than the title. Cue graphic design 101 lecture.

I ADORED this book. Simply A-D-O-R-E-D it! This is the exact kind of second chance romance that I eat up by the spoonful. The hero does something to hurt the heroine...he comes back ready to grovel and make it all better. The heroine makes him work for it...yadda yadda yadda. It was an almost perfect book. The only thing I didn't like and why I took a half star off was that the hero knew about her having a miscarriage and still stayed gone. He had his reasons and I still put a dent in his otherwise perfect heroness.

Both the books in this series have been top notch reads so far. They are well written. Nicely paced. Have great secondary characters. I am really excited for Gwen's book with her “muffin man” Two HUGE thumbs up from yours truly.

Side Note: I was just complaining about heroes and their epic love for their heroines but not keeping it in their pants during separations. Well low and behold this hero stayed faithful to Lily for ALL five years he was gone. I think I just saw a pig fly past my window!

March 31, 2017Report this review