The Backup
The Backup
I didn't particularly enjoy this. Partly because this was tagged or marketed as an MM romance and it's not that. A romance of any sort. Usually I can get over dashed expectations but the story ... underwhelmed? me.
Nik is some sort of rock star with delirious & worshipful fans. After all he is, or claims to be, Dionysius so it sort or kind of makes sense. To function in a modern world he's had caretakers to handle the necessities of his earthly existence. This time it fall into the hands of one Anthony Brooks, who recently got a Doctorate in Musicology. He's perhaps one of the least sympathetic MC I've read.
We're treated to Anthony's endless pity party of woe is me & how insulting it is for his exalted self (with the only valid tastes in music) to be toiling away like a lowly serf just because of all his student debt.
Nik's motivations are never clear or perhaps they are as mundane as a God wanting worshipers. I didn't care either way.
There's a lot of talk about music (mostly classical) and perhaps readers who are more knowledgeable about that subject will get more out of this read. I'm not and didn't.
As usual YMMV