The Bad Guy
The Bad Guy
Average rating4.2
The infamous review has returned! lol This is the EXACT review that was posted previously. NO changes have been made
This cover is OK. The model is hot a sin and a good representation of the hero. The composition is OK. The BAD being off to the right throws it off a little. I think it would have look3ed better lined below THE and above GUY. That's just me though.
Sigh...this is going to be yet another review where I struggle with what to write. I was looking forward to this one SO much after reading DARK PROTECTOR Unfortunately this one fell WAY short of my expectations. The bones for a great dark read were all there. A psychopath kidnaps a girl, and she falls in love with him. That SHOULD be right up my alley. Alas, the execution just wasn't there. I was pretty much bored out of my mind from 35%-80% of this one. The back and forth let's make a deal stuff went on WAY too long. Because of that I never felt a connection between these two characters at all. Together they were about as exciting as watching paint dry.
Sebastian, I did enjoy for the most part, but he could have been SO much more. He is supposed to be a psychopath but Patrick Bateman he was not. I want to cry over how much potential this character had that just wasn't utilized. As for Camille, well let us just say I wasn't a fan. She annoyed the ever loving sh!t out of me. The secondary characters were OK, but again they felt underdeveloped. In fact, I guess that would be my biggest complaint about this one. Everything just seemed underdeveloped and then rushed at the end.
I guess I didn't struggle too much with what to write after all. lol I am just bummed that I didn't enjoy this one more. That said I still enjoy this author's writing in general and will continue to give her books a read.